Village of Innsbrook, Missouri

Resident Information


In an effort to increase communication between the Village of Innsbrook and its residents, the Village is in the process of creating a mass email notification system. If you are a resident of the Village of Innsbrook and you choose to participate, please send an email to with "Email List" as the subject. Please state your full name and Innsbrook address (Lot number) in the body of the email along with a list of all email addresses you choose to add to the system. This list is for Village of Innsbrook residents only, and will not be used for commercial purposes.


A small meeting space is available to residents at Village Hall during normal business hours. The space can accommodate approximately 6-8 person max and is free of charge. Please contact Village Administrator for availability.


RSMO 144.020.1(6) Imposes a tax on sales or charges for all rooms, meals and drinks furnished at any hotel, motel, tavern, inn, restaurant, eating house, drugstore, dining car, tourist cabin, tourist camp or other places in which rooms, meals or drinks are regularly served to the public. See this Missouri Tax Guide for helpful information.


(Reference Ordinance No. 291, No. 341)

All merchants within the Village must obtain a business permit from the Village Administrator/Clerk. The business permit shall be for the annual permit year (July 1 - June 30), and renewable annually prior to July 1. The fee is $100.00 per application. The application for business permit can be found on the Village Website's Forms/Fees page.

Additionally, each applicant for a business permit under this ordinance shall submit a statement from the Missouri Department of Revenue pursuant to Section 144.083.4, RSMo., stating no tax is due, which statement is a prerequisite to the issuance or renewal of a Village business permit. The statement required by this Section shall be dated within ninety (90) days of submission of the business permit application or renewal application. You can register your business here, or download the application here. After you have obtained your Tax ID or EIN, you can request a No Tax Due Letter here.

Nothing herein is to be construed as tax and/or legal advice, please contact a tax professional for guidance. The Village of Innsbrook staff will not assist in answering questions regarding forms from other agencies.


Honeysuckle is an invasive plant of Missouri. Learn more about how to identify each type of Honeysuckle and how to control this rapid growing plant by clicking below.


The Village of Innsbrook hosted a "Bear Aware" program on September  29, 2018, presented by the MO Department of Conservation (MDC). This program covered the history of black bears in Missouri, what they look like, where they live, and their habits during the year. It also covered what precautions people should take when living or partaking in recreational activities in bear country. The literature from that event is available to the public at Village Hall or click the links below. For more information on black bears, please visit


Do you have expired prescription drugs sitting in your medicine cabinet? Don't know what to do with them? Flushing pharmaceuticals down the toilet or throwing them in the garbage should not be your only option. These disposal methods only allow the pharmaceuticals to re-enter our environment through wastewater treatment facilities or by leaching into the groundwater. Did you know that there is a local drop box you can utilize to dispose of your unwanted prescription drugs, hassle free? The City of Truesdale offers a drop box, free of charge. Located at Truesdale City Hall, 109 Pinckney Street, Truesdale, MO 63380. The drop box is available during regular office hours (9a-1p and 2p-5p, Mo-Fr), closed weekends and on state and federal holidays. Just bag up your unwanted or unused prescriptions and drop them off. No signatures required, no questions asked. After your prescriptions are dropped in the collection, the drugs are collected by law enforcement and disposed of by approved incineration methods.


Notary Public Services are offered free of charge

to Village of Innsbrook residents, during regular

Village Hall hours on M-W-F from 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. Please schedule an appointment in advance to confirm staff is available.                       



Are you interested in becoming part of the Village of Innsbrook team? Become a member of one of the Village's Boards or Commissions.


NIP was adopted by the Board of Trustees in 2012 to encourage civic pride, neighborhood safety, environmental sustainability, enhancement and beautification of neighborhoods and promote the interests of the Village of Innsbrook. To qualify three or more residents or a neighborhood association can apply for funds. For more information on the NIP, contact the Village Hall.

(Reference Ordinance No. 169)


A matter of minutes could save your life!  Please make sure that the numeric on your house or chalet is visible from the road. It makes it much easier for Emergency Services to find you.


Radio Station KWRE (730AM) features "Pet Patrol".

6:30 am Monday - Friday
5:35 pm Every Day

Contact the radio station at (636)377-2300 to report your lost or found animal. Their website has a list of lost and found animals in our area. Let's do our part to help reunite these furry family members.


Ordinance No. 248 establishes offenses that shall be deemed public nuisances. If you are subjected to a peace disturbance or property damage, contact the Warren County Sheriffs Department, non emergency line, at (636)456-7088 to file a report with them. Then follow up with the Village Administrator the next business day to file a complaint with the Village. However, always call 911 in an emergency situation. See Ordinance for Procedures.


Did you know that if you burn you may need a permit from the Fire Dept? The Fire Chief of the Warrenton Fire Protection District advised that Open Burn Permits are only required when someone is conducting an Open Burn, meaning it is not contained in a barrel, pit or other similar apparatus. Simply contact the Warren County Dispatcher at the non-emergency number of 636-456-7088 and give them the information. If there is not a burn ban in place you are free to proceed with your burn. Campfires, bonfires and normal fire permits are considered recreational burns and are exempt from the burn permit process but it is still a good idea to inform Dispatch (636-456-7088 non emergency) that you are burning in case  Dispatch receives calls reporting a fire.


Innsbrook residents, make sure that your motor vehicle taxes are being credited to the Village of Innsbrook and not Wright City, just Warren County or another municipality. This information should be noted on your tax receipt. Thanks to an attentive Innsbrook resident it was discovered that some taxes over the past years have been incorrectly credited to just Warren County or Wright City since we share the same zip code. This resulted in a loss of sales tax revenue for the Village of Innsbrook.


The closest recycling facility is 
East Central Missouri Recycling Center
located at 24448 South Hwy. 47
       Phone:  636-456-3473


If you are having transportation issues MO RIDES may be able to assist you. Visit their website at


Looking for a job? The job center offers free services to both job seekers and employers. Please visit their website for more information


The Village has compiled a list of local phone numbers that might be useful to the residents and visitors of the Village of Innsbrook. The list can be printed off here.

"A Community in Harmony with Nature"

Established 1998