Village of Innsbrook, Missouri

Ordinances & Resolutions


1 - Establishment of the Village of Innsbrook  (7/23/1998)
2 - Appointment of certain Officials  (7/23/1998)
3 - Rules of Construction (7/23/1998)      
4 - Qualifications, Duties, etc. for Chairperson and Board   (7/23/1998)
5 - Powers, Duties and Procedures for Board of Trustees and Qualifications  (7/23/1998)
6 - Code & Board of Ethics for Village and Establishing Requirements for Disclosures  (7/23/1998)
7 - Office of Village Attorney and Village Prosecutor  (7/23/1998)
9 - Board of Adjustment (5 members, 5 year terms; Chairman elected yearly)  (7/23/1998)
10 - Interim Zoning and Subdivision Regulations  (7/23/1998)
12 - Property Tax Ballot Authorization of Village Clerk - $0.15  (7/23/1998)
13 - Property Tax Ballot Authorization 
14 - Authorization to Negotiate Establishment of Municipal Court with Warren County  (7/23/1998)
15 - Outdoor Sign Permit – 30 day stay  (7/23/1998)
17 - Increase Tax Rate on ballot for 11/3/1998 Election  (7/27/1998)
18 - Fiscal Year and Budgeting Procedures  (8/4/1998)
19 - Max. Fees for Document Research, Copies & Certification–11/3/1998 Election (8/4/1998)
21 - Amending and Clarifying Ord. 13 – Property Tax ($0.15)  (8/4/1998)
26 - Remove utilities from sales tax  (11/3/1998)

35 - Billboard regulations  (8/3/1999)
45 - Election of April 3, 2001 increasing tax rate that was set in 1998 and  increasing sales tax  (1/2/2001)
69 - Amending the Zoning Order to exclude mobile, modular and manufactured homes from all of the village zoning classifications (6/1/2004)
70 - Amending the Zoning Order to require permits for all home based business (home occupation )  (6/1/2004)
71 - Amend the Zoning Order to require building permits for all accessory buildings and structures over 120 square feet.  (8/10/2004)
82 - Providing for minimum construction standards for on-site sewage disposal systems in the Village of Innsbrook  (3/7/2006)
91 - Innsbrook Utilities LLC to use rights of way of the Village of Innsbrook for the purpose of a public water and sewer system (7/3/2007)
93 - Replacing portions of the Village Interim Zoning Order and establishing a new Village Zoning Order (9/4/2007)
107 - Amending the Zoning Order to exclude mobile, modular and manufactured homes from all of the village zoning classifications  (4/1/2008)
113 - Replacing portions of the Village Interim Zoning Order and establishing a new Village Zoning Order  (1/6/2009)
121 - Readopting the Open Meetings and Records Ordinance and setting costs for copies as outlined in RSMo 610 (11/4/2009)
133 - Adopting the Floodplain Management Ordinance   (/1/2010)
137 - Amending Section 14.13 "Penalties" of the Zoning Code  (8/2/2010)
141 - Establishing a Municipal Court for the Village of Innsbrook (11/1/2010)
146 - Amending various sections of the Zoning Code  (6/7/2011)
169 - Adopting a Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program (11/13/2012)
187 - Amending sections of the Zoning Code and Appendices (11/12/2013)
189 - Imposing a use tax for general revenue purposes (12/10/2013)
192 - Repealing Ord. No. 189 setting a Use Tax for the General Election on April 8, 2014. (2/12/2014)
195 - Naming various roads within the Village of Innsbrook (5/13/2014)
203 - Repealing Ord. No. 135 and setting a new Schedule of Fees (11/11/214)
207 - Adopting a backflow prevention/cross connection control policy (11/11/2014)
208 - Banning the use of lead based materials in all potable water systems (12/9/2014)
209 - Forgo annual municipal elections for six years (1/13/2015)
210 - Allowing an exemption for Special Community Event noise (3/10/2015)
220 - Collection of Local Sales Tax Proposition on April 5, 2016 Election Ballot (01/12/2016)

229 - Amending Ordinance No. 5, Section Five, "Regular Meetings" (08/09/16)

237 - Amending Various Sections of the Zoning Code (02/13/17)

248 - Amending Public Nuisance Ordinance (05/15/2018)

253 - Establishing General Penalties for Violations of Ordinances (06/12/2018)

261 - Amending Planning and Zoning Powers & Duties, Ect. (06/11/2019)

285 - Forgo annual municipal elections for six years (12/08/2020)

288 - Amending Community Event Noise Exemption (03/10/2021)

291 - Establishing a Business Permit and Regulations (04/13/2021)

301 - Amending Jurisdiction of Municipal Court (09/14/2021)

302 - Declaration of Candidacy & Filing Procedures (10/12/2021)

323 - Repealing and Replacing Chapter 12 "Signs" of the Zoning Regulations (11/15/2022)

335 - Adopting a Conflict of Interest Procedure (08/08/2023)

336 - Amending Ordinance No. 5, Section Eleven, "Enactment of Ordinances" (08/08/2023)

341 - Calling for Election on the Question of an Increased Business Permit Fee (01/11/2024)


99-01 - Department of Revenue to collect sales tax of one-half of one percent (0.5%) (03/02/1999)

05-02-00 - Authorizing 911 Emergency to provide global positioning numbers within Village (05/02/2000)

08-05-03 - Supporting Adoption of Comprehensive Plan by P&Z Commission (08/05/2003)

07-06-04 - Intent to Participate in Warren Co. Hazard Mitigation (07/06/2004)

04-12-05 - Relating to Use of Office Holding Status as a Political Endorsement (04/12/2004)

09-06-05 - Warren County Collector to Collect Real Estate Tax (08/06/2005)

2010-1 - National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP] (06/01/10)

2013-3 - Adopting Village Comprehensive Plan (07/09/13)

2013-4 - Adopting Warren County Debris Management Plan (09/10/13)

2017-1 - Opposing I-70 Toll Road (04/11/17)

2018-1 - Supporting Missouri Proposition D (09/11/18)

2018-2 - Opposing Approval of CUP for Shooting Range by Warren County (10/15/18)

2019-2 - Purchasing Policy (06/11/19)

2021-1 - Warren County Hazard Mitigation Plan - Update (04/13/21)

2022-3 - Agreement for Architectural Services (01/11/22)

2022-4 - Agreement for Real Estate Purchase (01/11/22)

2022-6 - Village Holiday's Observed (04/12/22)

2022-9 - Trustee Meeting Changes for 2023 (12/13/22)

2023-2 - Property and Liability Insurance Renewal FY 07-01-23 to 07-01-24 (06/13/23)

2023-3 - Workers Compensation Insurance Renewal FY 08-01-23 to 08-01-24 (07/11/23)

2023-4 - Trustee Meeting Changes for 2024 (12/12/23)

Click on the Ordinance/Resolution number to view the Ordinance/Resolution